Alfresco maven sdk eclipse how to install
Alfresco maven sdk eclipse how to install

alfresco maven sdk eclipse how to install

) # 'io.github.aapplet:wechat-sdk-mp:jar: 0.0. Once downloaded, we can run the mvn -version to verify our installation. This will take a few minutes to download. Follow we wrote about Maven Alfresco SDK and creating module for alfresco.war, now we are going to see how to create module for share.war application. We run the command sudo apt-get install maven to install the latest Maven: sudo apt-get install maven.

alfresco maven sdk eclipse how to install alfresco maven sdk eclipse how to install

group: 'io.github.aapplet', name: 'wechat-sdk-mp', version: '0.0.4' // 'io.github.aapplet:wechat-sdk-mp:0.0.4' // ( "io.github.aapplet:wechat-sdk-mp:0.0.4") // += "io.github.aapplet" % "wechat-sdk-mp" % "0.0.4" // 'io.github.aapplet', module= 'wechat-sdk-mp', version= '0.0.4') Add MAVENOPTS-Xms256m -Xmx1G -XX:PermSize500m ( I could not run jUnit with PermSize300m ).Download Maven 3.0.3 version from and install it using this instuction.

Alfresco maven sdk eclipse how to install